
Transform your smile with Invisalign in Worcestershire

A smile can change everything and with Invisalign the difference is clear. Let’s be honest, no matter what age we are when we decide to do something about our crooked teeth, the thought of metal frames, fussy food and self awareness can be overwhelming and enough to put us off ever doing anything about it at all!

Having had braces many moons ago, I regularly took an up close and personal look at my teeth in the mirror and thought, is this all worth it? Deep down, we all know it is, but really the journey can take a real toll on your confidence and patience at times!

Why Invisalign?

Fortunately, now, the latest technology from Apple isn’t the only thing to get excited about. Offering the depth of innovation and new computer technology, we are now able to straighten teeth without metal braces, using Invisalign to accurately control the way your teeth are straightened.

The clear aligners are virtually invisible and by eliminating the need for wires and metal brackets, Invisalign braces offer patients a delicate option that is completely discreet and nearly invisible to others. The smooth and comfortable plastic aligners are easily removable and easy to clean, with the added bonus that you can eat whatever you want. Definitely a plus for any foodies out there! Compared with metal braces, the benefits of Invisalign braces simply outweigh previous solutions to teeth straightening. If you know anyone who has had metal braces, they might have told you about the poking wires, irritated gums, and the many food restrictions! The results before and after Invisalign match those of metal braces, but we can now fit around your lifestyle, eliminating any reasons to stop you from getting the smile you always dreamt off!

Learn more about our Invisalign treatment here…

Personalised Invisalign Programme

So are you ready for your new smile? Moving your teeth little by little to reach your personalised goal and accomplish your clearly outlined treatment plan. You will also be able to see before you start, what your teeth are expected to look like at the end of your programme, in fact, it is from these results your custom-made, clear aligners are produced, especially for you!

We are running an open day where you can get advice and a FREE Consultation* on the day from our friendly and experienced team. Click here, to register for your consultation here…

If you would like to see how Invisalign wireless braces could transform your smile, contact our dental practice here in Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire.