Dental treatments for a stunning smile
Begins with smile analysis using dental digital photography, a detailed bite analysis and gum survey. A joint consultation with my renowned dental technologist is then scheduled. The emphasis is on aesthetics (natural beauty) and ‘all-ceramic’ restorations are created using computer design and manufacture. This creates a very accurate metal-free base allowing the technologist to artistically perfect restorations that harmonise with gums lips and facial proportions, creating a smile to be proud of.

Click on the links below to see a range of the different cosmetic treatments we use:
Case Study 1
This patient wanted to create a beautiful smile to replace the ageing look of her existing smile. A wax up created the ideal proposed outcome. All ceramic crowns created the beautiful new smile.
Case Study 2
This patient had unsightly failing crowns and a bridge Right side of photo).
A ‘mock-up was created and replica temporary restorations placed for a ‘test drive’. The final restorations were e max crowns and a bonded bridge, creating a beautiful smile.
Case Study 3
This lady had her smile improved with fixed implant bridges (to replace a partial removable denture) and veneers to close the midline space.
Case Study 4
This patient wanted to improve her smile. A wax-up was created to visualize the desired result. A combination of crowns, veneers and implants created the beautiful final result.

Case Study 5
This patient wanted the whole upper arch restored with an implant supported bridge. Guided surgery was used to place the implants, minimizing discomfort. The final porcelain bridge created a beautiful smile.

Case Study 6
The long tooth on the right was un-saveable. A combination of implants, crowns and veneers created a lovely smile.
Case Study 7
A combination of crowns, veneers and implants were used to create this beautiful smile.
Case Study 8
This patient had a combination of orthodontic treatment (lower teeth), crown lengthening, crowns and implants to replace the partial denture and straighten her smile.
Case Study 9
Invisalign orthodontic treatment was used to reposition teeth and gum margins. Bleaching, veneers, crowns and a cosmetic partial denture recreate a nice smile.
Get in touch
If you would like to discuss Cosmetic Dental treatment options, please fill in the form below: