Extensively destroyed teeth need to be crowned.

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Extensively destroyed teeth need to be crowned. The crown covers the entire tooth above the gum. They can be made in a variety of materials, but whenever possible, we prefer the latest ‘all-ceramic’ crowns which show no dark margins and are indistinguishable from the natural tooth. This is achieved by using computer design and manufacture to create a strong, thin ceramic base which, unlike the traditional metal base, allows light to shine through and creates a natural lifelike appearance with no dark margins.

See some examples where we have used cosmetic crowns to replace old-fashioned metal ceramic crowns…

Dental Crowns
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Case Study 1

Replacing an old metal based porcelain crown with an all-ceramic crown eliminates the ‘black line’ and transforms this smile.

  • Before-Crowns One
    After-Crowns One
    Before Crowns One After

Case Study 2

This stunning smile was created by replacing the old metal based porcelain crowns which were poorly fitting and unsightly with all-ceramic crowns. Notice how the inflamed, red gum margins are now healthy and pink.

  • Before-Crowns Two
    After-Crowns Two
    Before Crowns Two After

Case Study 3

This stunning smile was created by replacing the old metal based porcelain crowns which were poorly fitting and unsightly with all ceramic crowns. Notice how the inflamed, red gum margins are now healthy and pink.

  • Before-Crowns Three
    After-Crowns Three
    Before Crowns Three After

Case Study 4

This patient was unhappy with her porcelain bonded to metal crowns. Replacement crowns in e-max, a beautiful, strong, metal free porcelain were constructed creating the correct form for lip contour and a stunning smile.

  • Before-Crowns Four
    After-Crowns Four
    Before Crowns Four After
  • Before-Crown Four B
    After-Crown Four B
    Before Crown Four B After

Case Study 5

This failing porcelain bonded to the metal crown was replaced with an all-ceramic beautiful e max crown.

  • Before-Crowns Five
    After-Crowns Five
    Before Crowns Five After

Case Study 6

This failing porcelain bonded to the metal crown was replaced with an all-ceramic beautiful e max crown.

  • Before-Crowns Six
    After-Crowns Six
    Before Crowns Six After

Case Study 7

These old, failing porcelain fused to metal crowns were replaced with all porcelain e max crowns, producing a harmonized beautiful result.

  • Before-CrownSeven
    Before CrownSeven After

Case Study 8

This patient was unhappy with the staining and white spots on her natural teeth. The crowns made in porcelain fused to metal were very unattractive, being the wrong size, shape and colour.

The natural teeth were bleached and microabraded. The gum levels were uneven, so microsurgery was performed to raise the height of the tooth on the left.

The crowns were replaced with two beautiful e max porcelain restorations, of the correct form and shade, layered to create natural translucency, creating a harmonized smile.

  • Before-Crowns Eight
    After-Crowns Eight
    Before Crowns Eight After
  • Before-Crowns Eight B
    After-Crowns Eight B
    Before Crowns Eight B After

Case Study 9

These worn down teeth were crowned in all ceramic e max recreating the original smile

  • Before-Crowns Nine
    After-Crowns Nine
    Before Crowns Nine After
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Get in touch

If you would like to discuss Cosmetic Dental Crowns options, please fill in the form below:

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