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Practice Q&A

06/25/2020 @ 06:00 pm - 06/25/2020 @ 07:00 pm

25 Jun 06:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Google Meet

Q&A Event

We have all been through an unprecedented period, as we understand more about Covid-19 and start getting to grips with how to control it you may have questions you’d like to ask us about your smile, our treatments, our practice and the steps we have taken to Combat Covid.

We’d like to invite you to join us for an hours virtual webinar where we can present and give you the chance to ask those questions.

The event will be on Google Meet and is free to join us. Register for your place below:

Register today

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Whether you are an existing patient or a potential new one, don’t miss your slot make sure you register now. We look forward to welcoming you to our event.



Roy Morris


Google Meet