Implant teeth bring back the look and function you once experienced with your natural teeth, just like natural teeth they require regular maintenance and it is important to maintain a  healthy tissue environment to support them.

Follow-up visits

It is advisable to attend regular dental check ups to look after your new teeth. Within a visit, we will discuss the necessary maintenance procedures and suggest the appropriate interval for future examination and maintenance visits.

Fixed prosthesis or single tooth – daily care

Regular and correct brushing is the key to a confident and bright smile. You can brush your new implant teeth just as you would brush your natural teeth, above and below the gum line, using a soft toothbrush.

It is also recommended to use toothpaste, a small amount of low-abrasive toothpaste used with the brush is recommended, to ensure long term success of the implant it must be thoroughly cleaned. It is therefore a good idea to follow a routine each time you brush your mouth, to ensure that all surfaces are cleaned.

Dental Implant
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