Treatments for healthy, beautiful, natural teeth
More than half the adult population suffers gum disease, which, if left undetected and untreated leads to loss of teeth. We provide all our patients, adult and child with a lifetime programme of preventive care.
Prevention is a joint effort between you, the dentist and our highly experienced hygiene team. Under the prescription of your dentist, our team of hygienists provide a structured programme of gum treatments (periodontal care) combined with regular monitoring (usually annually).
Our patients attend at 3 monthly intervals (children usually twice a year). If intervention is needed, we have the expertise to provide all the latest techniques, including bone regeneration and microsurgical gum treatments.
Without gum health, other dental treatments can fail and teeth can be lost.

Get in touch
If you would like to discuss Preventive Dental Care, please fill in the form below: