Replacing one missing tooth

Replacing one front tooth is one of the greatest dental challenges. Using an implant avoids damaging the adjacent teeth or a denture, but specialised microsurgery, micro bone grafting and guided reshaping is almost always needed to recreate the gum support and natural shape.

Creating a realistic artificial crown to exactly match the natural teeth involves using a computer designed implant abutment and crown in metal free all ceramic zirconium, allowing natural light to diffuse under the gum margin, just like natural teeth, avoiding a dark gum margin.

Capturing the extremely intricate shape, contour, colours and layering in a beautiful natural tooth is the province of our world-class artist and technologist. A personal consultation is arranged for you: detailed photographs and the latest leading edge ceramic technology are used to create a beautiful crown, which replicates nature.

  • Before-Missing front tooth
    After-Missing front tooth
    Before Missing front tooth After


Treatment overview

If you are missing one tooth in the upper or lower jaw a crown mounted on a dental implant is the best replacement solution. The need to replace a missing tooth could be the result of an accident or because there was no predisposition for a tooth at birth.

1. A thorough examination

The first step we undertake in relation to dental implant therapy is to sit down and discuss your aims and concerns for the objectives of your treatment. We take a complete x-ray of your jaw to check the condition of the bone tissue and to determine the placement of the dental implant. We make an accurate impression of your jaw and existing teeth, this forms an important platform for the treatment.

2. Inserting the dental implant

There are two options for the dental implant placement, the choice of these is heavily dependant upon your clinical situation. The first option is the one-step procedure, this requires the dental implant to be put in place and a temporary abutment is attached. The second option is the two-step procedure, the dental implant is installed and then we cover it with the gum. The abutment is attached at a later date.

In both cases, a temporary tooth or prosthesis is put in place, this is followed by a maximum healing period of three months for the lower jaw and six months for the upper jaw. In some cases, the new dental implant can be loaded immediately although this does depend on the condition of your bone.

3. Attaching the abutments

In the case of the one-step procedure, after the dental implant has bonded with the bone tissue the temporary abutment is replaced by a permanent one. The two-step procedure requires a second stage which involves us making a minor incision into the gum to open it up and put the abutment in place.

4. Crafting the tooth

Once the abutment is in place, a new impression is made, we then compare it with the impression we made during the initial examination. From this examination we develop a final model of your jaw and implant, our experienced dental technician carefully crafts the crown, bridge or prosthesis that will sit on top of the implant. Considerable time and attention is spent ensuring we match the right colour and shape of your new teeth so they blend naturally with your existing teeth to create your new smile.

5. Fitting and re-examination

Once the carefully crafted tooth has been created and examined by us, we attach it to the dental implant. We follow up any implant procedure with a few follow-up visits to check the functionality and aesthetics and to make sure you are completely satisfied with your new tooth.

6. Healing period

An important factor in the healing period is the general state of health and the quantity and quality of your bone tissue. These factors determine the total duration of the treatment. We will be able to give you an indication of your specific situation from our initial detailed examination.

Replacing a missing tooth stages

Replace missing front tooth

Step 1

The need to replace a missing tooth could be the result of an accident or because there was no predisposition for a tooth at birth.

Replace missing front tooth

Step 2

The dental implant is installed in the jawbone. No healthy teeth are affected or damaged. Unlike with other replacement solutions, the adjacent teeth don’t need to be ground down, so we maintain a natural and healthy smile.

Replace missing front tooth

Step 3

The abutment is attached to the fixed dental implant, a crown is then placed on top of the abutment, fitting perfectly at the edge of the gum.

Replace missing tooth

Step 4

The new tooth is now complete and it is virtually impossible to see the difference between the existing teeth and the new tooth.

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Get in touch

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