Braces are the best way to turn back the clock

You may often wonder what’s the point of getting braces when you are a grown-up in your 60s? You’ve worked hard all your life so why not enjoy the fruits of your labour? Having a natural and healthy smile can not only make you look younger but also feel better. Don’t take it from just us, here is a recent article where 62 Year Old Christa D’Souza documents her experience of her Invisalign treatment: You can read it here…

Some extracts from the article give you a real idea of how much an impact the treatment can have on your life:

Getting my teeth done has had both a physical and psychological effect. I feel sure I’m smiling more and, as scientific research shows, the act of smiling encourages your brain to release stress-fighting hormones and call ‘happy’ neuro-transmitters such as dopamine and serotonin into play.

So maybe it’s not that they make me feel and therefore look younger, but that they make me feel better, which in turn can’t help but make me look younger — a virtuous circle, if you like.

If you would like to discuss your Invisalign treatment options and how you can turn back the clock and achieve a healthy and natural smile, contact us today to arrange an appointment with our in-house Consultant Dr Goldie Songra.