World Oral Health Day 2021

World Oral Health Day

We are supporting World Oral Health Day!

On the 20 March every year, the world unites to help reduce the burden of oral diseases, which affect individuals, health systems and economies everywhere. Its purpose: to empower people with the knowledge, tools and confidence to secure good oral health.



Oral diseases are a major health concern for many countries and negatively impact people throughout their lives. Oral diseases lead to pain and discomfort, social isolation and loss of self-confidence, and they are often linked to other serious health issues. And yet, there is no reason to suffer: most oral health conditions are largely preventable and can be treated in their early stages.

World Oral Health Day

The theme for the next three years sends out a simple but powerful message: Be Proud Of Your Mouth. In other words, value and take care of it. This year, we want to inspire change by focusing on the importance of oral health for overall health, because good oral health can help you live a longer, healthier life. And that is something worth taking action for.